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Customer's Journey

Turn prospects into customers and customers into advocates

Shayn’s Solutions offers a la carte tools and resources for business owners to guide you through every phase of the customer journey. Regardless of where you think your customers are in the customer journey, we can work with you to implement the right solutions to turn prospects into customers.
Customer Service Collage

Awareness Phase

This is the initial phase of your customer discovering the products and services your business offers.
Example: Samuel hates vacuuming. One evening, after a long day of cleaning, he’s scrolling through Instagram and sees a robotic vacuum cleaner. This catches his attention, and the wheels in his head start turning.

Our solutions for this phase

Awareness Phase

Findability Phase

This is the second phase of the customer journey in which customers begin searching for products and services your business offers.

Example: When Samuel has a little more energy, he turns on his computer and looks for robotic vacuum cleaners. He finds a few companies that sell the product and wonders which one he should choose.

Our solutions for this phase: 

Findability Phase

Research Phase

This is the phase where your customer compares your business with other businesses in the area.

Example: Samuel clicks on a company’s page. They have a professional website with contact information, links to social media, FAQs, and reviews. He checks to see if the business responds to reviews, posts actively and engages with customers on social media, and more. He does this for multiple companies that came up in his search and compares the results.

Our Solutions for this phase: 

Research Phase

Conversion Phase

This is the point where your customers make a decision on whether to use your products or services based on their initial online research.

Example: Samuel decides which company he wants to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner from. Is the purchase page user-friendly?

Our Solutions for this phase: 

Conversion Phase

Advocacy Phase

This important phase allows your customers to become advocates of your business.

Example: Samuel is so happy that he doesn’t have to vacuum anymore, and had such a good experience with the company. Does he take the time to leave a positive review for your business? Can he share or repost your social media posts?

Our Solutions for this phase: 

Advocacy Phase

Repeat customers

The final phase is all about customers returning to your business for repeat purchases and continued engagement with your content, resources, and website.

Example: After being impressed with the performance of the robotic vacuum cleaner our customer Samuel purchased, they receive an automated email for a discount on related products such as replacement brushes and filters. The email also informs them of an upcoming sale on these products.

Our solutions for this phase: 

Repeat customers

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