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Overcoming Social Media Block

Writer’s block isn’t restricted to the writers that sit over scrolls of parchment with a feather pen. In this new age of technology and social media, writer’s block is a problem that plagues many of us. Here’s what you can post when you have a social media style writer’s block:

  1. Reintroduce yourself: This can remind your old followers who you are and give your new followers — who might not have seen your initial introduction post — a chance to get to know you.
  2. Take your audience behind the scenes: A sneak-peek into how you operate can make you seem more personable and approachable to your audience.
  3. Share your story: Your followers may relate to your struggles — we’re all human after all — and this will lead to more engagement on your post.
  4. Share a quote: A quick google search can make for a lot of inspiration. Sharing that inspiration invites your audience into your business and how you find the inspiration to keep working on it.
  5. Show your audience your morning routine: It doesn’t even need to be a full routine, just a quick picture from a morning run or the delicious breakfast that gets you out of bed in the morning.
  6. Tell your audience the inspiration behind your product or service: Share your “why” with your audience. If it’s important to you, the more likely it is that it’ll be important to them.
  7. Ask a question: This makes your audience feel heard and increases engagement on your posts.
  8. Host a poll: This’ll help you get a better idea of how your audience feels about a new design or a change to operating hours.
  9. Share a book review or recommendation, or another aspect of your recreational time: People are always looking for a new book to read. You can share something related to your industry or just a fun book you’ve enjoyed in your free time.
  10. Ask for recommendations: For media, restaurants, or anything else!
  11. Direct your audience to your website: Post about new blogs, case studies, or other content on your website.
  12. Share a how-to tutorial: Videos are incredibly in demand on social media right now. Sharing a short video about some insights into your life will help your online audience and reach more people.
  13. Share an infographic: Infographics are easily shareable and are a great snapshot into any one topic.
  14. Share a quick tip: You can make “Tip Tuesday” a series on your social media.
  15. Share a struggle and what you learned from it: Calling out a loss and turning it into a learning opportunity shows an authenticity that many social media users look for.
  16. Celebrate a win with your audience: You can invite your audience to feel solidarity for your successes while showing off your hard work. Just make sure to keep it humble!
  17. Post a testimonial: Sharing these testimonials can help you build credibility.
  18. Do a #throwbackthursday post: Reposting old content gives you easy post ideas while also familiarizing your newer audience with your older content.
  19. Do a #motivationalmonday post: Similar to sharing a quote, show your audience how you motivate yourself!
  20. Thank your followers: This is a great idea for whenever you reach milestone follower numbers like 500 or 1000.
  21. Post about a holiday: Share the season’s joy with your audience.
  22. Talk about the problems your product or services solve: Sometimes people don’t know they’re having a problem until someone points it out. So… point it out! Then show them how you can solve it.
  23. Share a success story: Celebrating successes with an audience can make them feel closer to you.
  24. Share a post from one of your other social media platforms: Cross-sharing between platforms gives you more content and an excuse to direct your audience to your other social media platforms.
  25. Host a takeover: This can be done by a staff member or a connected influencer.
  26. Show your audience someone using and loving your product or service: This builds your product’s credibility and gives you an opportunity to advertise!
  27. Shoutout another brand: Tagging other brands encourages reshares and builds your network.
  28. Shoutout a customer: This will make your customers feel included and appreciated while also encouraging reshares.
  29. Host an interview: This can be as easy as hosting an interview on Zoom (or other similar platforms) and posting the video recording on social media.
  30. Share a compelling reason to join your email list: Make sure to clearly explain the benefits — what’s in it for them?
  31. Give your audience a gift: This makes your audience feel appreciated while also giving you the opportunity to advertise discounts and sales on your social media.
  32. Post about an event you’re hosting or attending: Some platforms, like Facebook and LinkedIn, have dedicated event pages that give you the opportunity to reach a broader audience.
  33. Post about an upcoming event or presentation: Hashtags that are relevant to these events can also help you reach a wider audience.
  34. Share contact information: Make it easy for your audience to get in touch!
  35. Ask your audience how they found you: This gives you a good idea of what type of advertisement is working best for you.
  36. Share your other social media: This increases your follower engagement across the board!
  37. Answer FAQs: This makes it easier for audiences to carry on in their research on your company.

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